BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Starting a Podcast | A Kick Of History

 Hello, my friends! Welcome to A Kick Of History! I have some very exciting news to share with you all. I am starting a podcast! It will be called Endless Possibilities. I am running this podcast with my very good friend, Chloe Townson. So please show her some love! <3 This podcast will be all about exploring and learning new things that we don’t know about. We are very excited to have you come on this journey with us! The first two episodes will be coming out this week or so and they will stream on Spotify and Apple Podcasts if all goes well. Anyways, that is all I have to say for now! Hope to see you in my next post friends!


  1. YASSSSSSS!!!!! Nisuli and Chloe, I hope it goes so well for you! I'll definetely check it out! And I'll tell my friends! SO EXCITED!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEE


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