Bonnie and Clyde | A Kick Of History

 Hi everyone! Welcome to A Kick Of History! In today's post we will talk about a notorious crime couple that went down in history. Today we will delve into the story of Bonnie and Clyde. Before we get into it though, it would be awesome if you could follow or subscribe to the blog if you like the content! I post every week or so, so you will get content continually! Now, without further a-do, let's get into it! All my info is from this site:  

Bonnie and Clyde had met in Texas in January, 1930. During this time, Bonnie was 19, and married to a murderer who was then imprisoned. Meanwhile, Clyde was 21 years old, and unmarried. A bit after they met, Clyde was arrested for burglary and sent to jail. But, he escaped using a gun that Bonnie had smuggled to Clyde. He was then recaptured and sent back to the jail. In February of 1932 Clyde was paroled and then released from jail, where he then reunited with Bonnie and resumed his life in crime. 


In addition to this, both Bonnie and Clyde were suspects in other crimes. During the time they were killed, Bonnie and Clyde were believed to have committed 13 murder and several robberies. Before this, in 1932 Bonnie and Clyde started to travel with Raymond Hamilton who was a gunman. He left several months later though, her was replaced with William Jones.

Ivan "Buck" Barrow was released from Texas State Prison on March 23, 1933 and he quickly joined his brother Clyde to start a life of crime again. He also brought along his wife Blanche Barrow, so now their group had gotten up to five people. The gang went on several robberies which made headlines all across the country. They even escaped capture from various encounter with law officers! This however, made efforts of the law enforcement to apprehend them, more intense. During a police shootout in Iowa on July 29, 1933 Buck Barrow was badly wounded and Blanche was captured. So, Bonnie and Clyde continued together.  

On November 22, 1933 a trap was set by the Dallas Texas Sheriff in an attempt to capture Bonnie and Clyde. They tried to do it near Grand Prairie, Texas but the criminal couple escaped. They then held up an attorney and took his car, which was found abandoned. It was found at Miami, Oklahoma. On December 21, 1933 Bonnie and Clyde then held up and robbed a citizen in Shreveport, Louisiana. 

On January 16, 1934 Raymond Hamilton and five other prisoners were freed from Eastham State Prison Farm in Waldo Texas. They were freed by both Bonnie and Clyde. Two guards of the prison were shot in the escape of the prison.  

Every clue was followed in order to track down and find Bonnie and Clyde. The FBI had given "Wanted Posters, photograph descriptions, criminal records, etc.. to the officers working the case. The agents followed many trail to find Bonnie and Clyde, mainly in Louisiana. Soon enough, the FBI found out that they were driving a stolen vehicle form New Orleans. 

On the day of April 13, 1934 and FBI agent found out that Bonnie and Clyde were most definitely in a remote section southwest of Ruston, Louisiana. They also found out that Clyde and his partner were traveling from Texas to Louisiana. 

FBI and the local law enforcement were concentrated on taking in Bonnie and Clyde who were strongly believed to be in the area. The is was found out that they had a party on Black Lake, Louisiana on May 21, 1934. They were supposed to come back two days later.

Finally, before dawn on the day of May 23, 1934 a group of police officers concealed themselves in bushes that were along a highway that was near Sailes, Louisiana. In the early day, Bonnie and Clyde were seen in a car trying to drive away. But, they were unable to as they were riddled with 167 bullets. At that moment, the historical criminal couple was killed instantly. 

There we have it! The story of one of the most notorious criminal couples. Hope to see you next post my friends!  


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